Veteran comedian David Steinberg, who has directed such hit TV comedies as “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Mad About You” and “Seinfeld,” returns to Showtime on Monday evening for the second season of his interview series, “Inside Comedy.” This season he turns his lens on Louis C.K.,Tina Fey, Bob Newhart, Jim Carrey and more.
Do you think comedy can be dissected?
I don’t really dissect comedy. Nothing kills off humor more than overanalyzing it. On our show, it’s just a conversation that I don’t prepare for at all. Usually I know everyone because I’ve been around a lot, but the idea is to get their feeling about what it is that they’re doing, the start, the middle and where they are now. What you get is very, very funny people who aren’t switched on as they usually are on a talk show in front of an audience, so you can see how naturally funny they are.